Catcher's Pick Up

This is the Catcher's Pick Up! It is the static (from a hang, not a beat), bent-arm version.

A few technique tips:

1. To get a clean pick up of the tail, it must get over the inside hip. The easiest way to think about this is hula hooping the inside hip in front of the rope. You can practice this part first on the ground with and without the turn away from the rope.

2.  In the air, the movement is more subtle and the obliques have to work to lift the hip up a little as your body moves in front of the rope. Practice this as well first without adding the turn.

3. Once this is in your body, and the rope is getting over the hip, you will quickly turn away from the rope and straddle the outside leg out wide to pick up the tail.

4. You can bend the free leg to make the invert easier as you are working on the timing of the movement.

5. When you hook the knee, internally rotate the leg that picked up the tail and bring it into extension. That will allow any slack on the leg to fall off.

As always, work safely within your abilities and at an appropriate progression. Use proper mats and have a buddy on hand in case of emergency. 

Tag me (@circusmobility) on IG, or pop your video into the Discord server (#tutorials) if you would like some feedback or a cheering squad.