Front Balance Dynamic Exit/Entry Sequence

Hand slides and hand switches, oh my!

I like this sequence as a way to combine three technical transitions and to develop an understanding of hand slides and hand switches in dynamic rope technique. According to the terminology (which I liked and held onto) from my dynamic teacher training with Alex Allan, an ‘exit’ uses a dynamic pathway to leave a static position or wrap and an ‘entry’ uses a dynamic pathway or skill to enter a position or wrap. Here we look at two exits from and one entrance to front balance/assisted front planche.

Prerequisites: For this sequence you should be comfortable with (i) thumb UP, i.e., thumb to hip front balance; (ii) finding and holding an assisted front planche position from front balance; and (iii) foundational beats and the necessary shoulder engagement for them, especially turnpike and straddle beats. I’d also recommend including 1-2 sets of turnpike and straddle beats as part of your warm-up so you are feeling super confident with that pathway and the necessary leg differentiation.


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