Parish Transits: Leo Season

I'm happy to welcome Bonnie May to the Parish team, offering freestyle sessions for specific transits. (We support your woo.)

Bonnie is a freestyle pole dancer, witch, and an astrologer. She practices freestyle dance and movement on the pole, using it for emotional catharsis and self-transformation. She is also getting into flying pole and loves how that apparatus orbits! 

Bonnie studies Hellenistic astrology, one of the oldest forms of astrology, and does weekly forecasts, birth chart readings, and is working to combine her love of the transits with freestyle movement as a way to embody the energy of the planets. Give Bonnie a warm welcome. She'll be popping into the Discord soon!

SONG for this freestyle: “Cologne Cerrone Houdini” by Goldfrapp 

** These prompts are meant to be used on ANY movement session on ANY apparatus (or none at all).


Leos, sound off! The Sun has entered the sign of Leo. Even if you are not a Leo, this is a juicy song to practice embodying in freestyle movement. The Sun’s home sign is Leo, so it’s all about movement that feels solar and expansive! 

Leo is a fire sign, symbolized by the majestic lion. As Leo is the Sun’s home sign, Leo is a “fixed” fire sign, meaning it represents the heart of summer, when the heat is the highest. 

Although Fire signs get a representation of always going fast, Leo is perhaps the slowest one, representing a more steady and consistent flame such as a hearth fire. 

Leo is also represented by royalty and when the sun is in Leo, it represents the Sun sitting on their throne. They desire to soak up the attention and be 100% magnificently themselves. Leo’s mantra is “I am.”

However, in real life, Leo people are also the best at sharing their light with others. Leo represents self-expression and authenticity: they want everyone to share their own unique light. 

For Leo, movements that are slower, expansive, and fully embodying self-expression outwardly is the goal. Think of a cat lounging and stretching luxuriously in the sun. Unashamed. Unbothered. Fully knowing that they are special and beautiful. 

When there are fast movements, they are usually dramatic and sassy, meant to grab attention. As the only solar Zodiac sign, Leo wants the spotlight on them. 

For embodying Leo, challenge yourself to fully own your movements, even if you make a “mistake.” Don’t shy away from a shape, fully express it. Leo is all about fake it until you make it. If you don’t feel confident, act like it, and it will eventually happen! 

For me, my Sun is in Scorpio, so it is a bit more of a challenge for me to be all light and positive. I asked one of my close friends who has a Leo stellium (multiple planets in that sign) what he thought of as Leo movement and he said “Bitch, I’m perfect.” So I tried to act like I was perfect while dancing, even if I didn’t always feel like I landed a shape. It’s surprising how eventually that confidence started to feel more real! 

For parts of the body, Leo rules the back and the heart, so back bends and heart-opening movements are great movements to relax into, saying, “Hey, look at me!” Hair flips are also a fun dramatic Leo move, rock that lion’s mane, even if you have no hair and it’s just energetically.

If you do a Leo freestyle and share it, please tag @circusmobility as well as @maydaypole. We'd love to see!


@maydaypole for pole-dancing, flying pole, movement

@maydayastrology for astrology