Introducing Inversion Conversion Lite:
a FREE 14-day Straight-Arm Invert School 
Helping you pinpoint the strength & mobility missing in your body to nail clean inverts!

  • 10 LESSONS teaching you everything you need to know about straight-arm inversions: the physics, the phases of the movement, the muscle engagements, the mobility requirements, & how to put it all together.
  • A digestible format delivered right to your inbox with no pressure to complete on any arbitrary schedule: collect all of the lessons & experiment on your body on your own time. Starts as soon as you sign up!
  • WHAT TO FOCUS ON VS. WHAT DOESN'T MATTER FOR YOU: Save time in your training by determining what's holding YOU back & targeting it.

Straight-Arm Inversions Are the Worst.

Ok, maybe not the WORST. But if you've made it here, they're probably keeping you up at night.

Do you feel...

  • frustrated that you have gotten this far in your training but still struggle with this "easy" skill?
  • like something is missing in your approach but you just can't figure out what that is?
  • that no matter how much you work on them, they never get any better?
  • embarrassed that you can't get something that others pick up so quickly? 
  • unsure how to do such as a complex skill much less how to coach it?
  • If you said yes to any of the above, then this course is for you.

This course is not for absolute beginners. It's for aerialists who have worked at least some on straight-arm inversions but cannot get them to feel effortless or be pain-free. There are no prerequisites besides a solid two-arm hang from any apparatus.